I would like to request a specific decade future contract.
Let's take an example with the Feeder Cattle (FC) future contract expiring in December 2008 (X8).
For now, I am only able to request FCX8, which give me prices for future contract expiring in December 2008, as well as prices for future contract expiring in December 2018.
I would like to know if it's possible to only request one of those two contract, even if the requested date range covers life of those two products (for example, Jan-2000 --> Jan-2020).
To make a parallel with the datascope platform, this is possible by specifying the right decade for the future contract.
For example :
FCX8^9 --> Expiry December 1998
FCX8^0 --> Expiry December 2008
FCX8^1 --> Expiry December 2018