I get the ric ACCOB.O as a constituent of the .SPX some days between 1996-01-01 and 2019-10-02 while hitting the endpoint:
with the parameters:
{ "Request": { "ChainRics": [ "0#.SPX" ], "Range": { "Start": "1996-01-02T00:00:00.000Z", "End": "2019-10-02T00:00:00.000Z" } } }
{ "Identifier": "ACCOB.O", "IdentifierType": "Ric", "Source": "", "Key": "VjF8MHgzMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwfDB4MzAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMHx8fHx8fHxBQ0NPQi5PfA", "Description": "Historical Instrument", "InstrumentType": "Unknown", "Status": "Valid", "DomainCode": "6" },
However, I do not manage tp get end of day prices for this instrument with the endpoint
{ "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.ElektronTimeseriesExtractionRequest", "ContentFieldNames": ["Ask", "Bid", "High", "Last", "Low", "Trade Date"], "IdentifierList": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentIdentifierList", "InstrumentIdentifiers": [{ "Identifier": "ACCOB.O", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }], "ValidationOptions": { "AllowHistoricalInstruments": true }, "UseUserPreferencesForValidationOptions": false }, "Condition": { "StartDate": "2019-10-01T23:59:59.999Z", "EndDate": "2019-10-03T23:59:59.999Z" } } }
{ "@odata.context": "https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/$metadata#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.ExtractionResult", "Contents": [ { "IdentifierType": "Ric", "Identifier": "ACCOB.O", "Ask": null, "Bid": null, "High": null, "Last": null, "Low": null, "Trade Date": null } ], "Notes": [ "Extraction Services Version 13.1.40889 (ec84d57d2aa3), Built Aug 9 2019 18:16:12\r\nProcessing started at 10/03/2019 10:19:38.\r\nUser ID: 9020500\r\nExtraction ID: 2000000102699099\r\nSchedule: 0x06d03e1289410279 (ID = 0x0000000000000000)\r\nInput List (1 items): (ID = 0x06d03e1289410279) Created: 10/03/2019 10:19:38 Last Modified: 10/03/2019 10:19:38\r\nReport Template (12 fields): _OnD_0x06d03e1289410279 (ID = 0x06d03e1289610279) Created: 10/03/2019 10:19:35 Last Modified: 10/03/2019 10:19:35\r\nSchedule dispatched via message queue (0x06d03e1289410279)\r\nSchedule Time: 10/03/2019 10:19:37\r\nTimeseries Date Range: 01/01/1996 to 10/03/2019\r\nProcessing completed successfully at 10/03/2019 10:19:38, taking 0.241 Secs.\r\nExtraction finished at 10/03/2019 10:19:38 UTC, with servers: x07q14, ETS (0.2 secs), QSHC17 (0.0 secs), QSSHA1 (0.0 secs)\r\nWriting RIC maintenance report.\r\n", "Identifier,IdentType,Source,RIC,RecordDate,MaintType,OldValue,NewValue,Factor,FactorType\r\n" ] }
Could you please advise?
Thanks in advance for your hep,