- TLT.O does not have any data from 11/1/2011 – 2/1/2016, might this be due to exchange listing change?
- We were told that TLT.O is the consolidated ticker, is that not the case? If not, what’s the correct consolidated ticker. But this should be transparent to us
- Based upon the fields available, there is no field ‘Close’. Is the field ‘Price’ equivalent to Close? The other ones that concern us are the Open, High, Low
- In the GUI, there is no field called ‘Price’ as listed in the csv you sent. However, there is a ‘Last’ field. Is that equivalent to Price/Close?
- I created a new report for .VIX with the Timebar Persistence unchecked. However the report still contains data outside the range specified e.g. 08:31:00 (screen shot included) and ends before the time specified (15:14)vixissue1.jpgvixissue2jpg.png