Hello everybody,
I still have to make some progress with the use of the search engine.
In an ExtractionRequest, I see the fields QueryStartDate and QueryEndDate, it seems rather clear that the request targets transactions with a datetime included between both.
In a ReportExtraction, I find ExtractionDateUtc, ExtractionStartUtc, and ExtractionEndUtc.
I presume that ExtractionDateUtc is the date/time when the request is supposed to be launched -probably some precisions could be brought in consideration of the trigger, I am more hesitant about ExtractionStartUtc and ExtractionEndUtc.
Are they also limits about the range of transactions, or do they precise a limit of time to execute the treatment of the transaction, a sort of timeout ?
The presence of a ReportExtraction inclines me to have a preference for the last hypothesis, but I fear to be wrong.