Hi, we currently try to make a HistoricalCriteriaSearch request. Looks like we are doing something wrong and we have the feeling that there are 'hidden' dependencies regarding the available search fields. We are performing the following request:
{ "Request": { "RicPattern": "^DTEGn", "CurrencyCodes": [ "EUR" ], "OptionMonthCodes": ["X" ], "Range": { "Start": "2016-11-07T00:00:00.000Z", "End": "2017-11-08T00:00:00.000Z" } } }
And we get this response:
{ "error": { "message": "Gateway ETH returned error status code: BadRequest from (http://rp.cp.hdc.reuint.com/TickHistoryWS/search) Error ID: [29427a15-c7e9-4079-9183-216ee22f14c2]" } }
Can you please advice? We need this search request to lookup expired options and futures, and we really rely on this...
Thx in advance!