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To retrieve the currency code for a particular instrument, there are different possibilities, as the Currency Code is a common field.
You can do an extraction for Terms and Conditions. Example request for 2 instruments:
{ "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest", "ContentFieldNames": [ "RIC", "Currency Code" ], "IdentifierList": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentIdentifierList", "InstrumentIdentifiers": [ { "Identifier": "00209tab1", "IdentifierType": "Cusip" }, { "Identifier": "IBM.N", "IdentifierType": "Ric" } ] } } }
Do a composite extraction request (the query is the same as above, except the data type):
"@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.CompositeExtractionRequest",
You can even do a request for End of Day data for that instrument. For details see REST API Tutorial 2.
New content to illustrate cross-referencing was recently added to the portal. See .Net tutorial 8 (with associated sample code), REST API Tutorial 7 (pure HTTP in Postman), and Java sample DSS2TermsAndConditionsClient.
Hello @avinash.g
You can get list of CurrencyCodes from