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WebSocket server stops sending data to client after a time


We have data receive problem from Reuters WebSocket server after a while.

While we are getting prices from the server normally, after a time, it stops to send both the prices and PING message to our client side. So we are encountering idle connection case and also data loss case!

We have used 2 different WebSocket libraries and encountered with the same case. I have shared all the details below.

Dou you have any suggestions to solve this problem?

Best Regards.


Environment #1:

Uses Library: nv-websocket-client <=== This WebSocket library is used at Refinitiv github examples

In this test when we have detected that server did not send PING message for 30 seconds we disconnected from the server programmatically.

On login, we got pingTimeout is 30 seconds:

0531-110858.889-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Handling login response on message:{"ID":1,"Type":"Refresh","Domain":"Login","Key":{"Name":"AQIC5wM2LY4SfczaaZd9CSZ7rS3ip37O4qx6l8Zg76TPSZY%3D%40AAJTSQACMTAAAlNLABMyMTU0MDE1NDg0MDk3NDc3MTc1AAJTMQACMjc%3D%23","Elements":{"AllowSuspectData":1,"ApplicationId":"256","ApplicationName":"ADS","AuthenticationErrorCode":0,"AuthenticationErrorText":{"Type":"AsciiString","Data":null},"AuthenticationTTReissue":1622459487,"Position":"","ProvidePermissionExpressions":1,"ProvidePermissionProfile":0,"SingleOpen":1,"Su

pportEnhancedSymbolList":1,"SupportOMMPost":1,"SupportPauseResume":0,"SupportStandby":0,"SupportBatchRequests":7,"SupportViewRequests":1,"SupportOptimizedPauseResume":0}},"State":{"Stream":"Open","Data":"Ok","Text":"Login accepted by host ads-fanout-sm-az1-use1-prd."},"Elements":{ "PingTimeout":30,"MaxMsgSize":61426}}

We periodically got PING messages from server and answering with PONG message (generally getting PING messages in 20 seconds).

But after a while we cannot get either prices or PING messages from server:

0531-120818.206-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message ß PING RECEIVED AND WE RESPONDED WITH PONG

// prices

0531-120838.206-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message ß LATEST PING RECEIVED AND WE RESPONDED WITH PONG

// prices

0531-120852.227-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.516, BID=8.474}

0531-120852.327-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.516, BID=8.474}

0531-120852.987-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.7, BID=1904.7}

0531-120853.153-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.5066, BID=8.4986}

0531-120853.427-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.5065, BID=8.4996}

0531-120854.647-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.7, BID=1904.7}

0531-120854.727-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.5063, BID=8.4963}

0531-120854.976-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.9, BID=1904.5}

0531-120855.527-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.507, BID=8.4997}

// after then we do not get either any prices or PING message!

At 12:09:09 we detected that server did not send any PING message more than 30 seconds. So we disconnected connection and reconnected.

So here there is data loss due to server not sending prices until we reconnect.

0531-120909.001 -W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 31 seconds (>30). Closing WebSocket...

0531-120909.002-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Close received. Disconnecting WebSocket...

0531-120919.013-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Disconnected. closedByServer=false, closeFrame=WebSocketFrame(FIN=1,RSV1=0,RSV2=0,RSV3=0,Opcode=CLOSE,Length=47,CloseCode=1000,Reason="Server did not send PING for 31 seconds (>30)")

0531-120919.354-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Connect received.

0531-120920.126-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Successfully connected.

…. // login steps

Environment #1:

Uses Library: nv-websocket-client

+ Updated client code program: We did not close server connection after 30 seconds PING timeout. WebSocket library enforced to disconnect from the server after 2 minutes.

Websocket library reported this case with message: No more WebSocketframe from the server

Here is the details (I have openned our debug level messages also, so can see server side raw messages):

0531-143552.463-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.15, BID=1904.64}

0531-143552.597-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":2,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"TRY="},"SeqNumber":29838,"Fields":{"BID":8.5037,"ASK":8.5109}}]

0531-143552.597-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.5109, BID=8.5037}

0531-143553.786-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":2,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"TRY="},"SeqNumber":29902,"Fields":{"BID":8.5038,"ASK":8.5108}}]

0531-143553.786-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.5108, BID=8.5038}

0531-143554.492-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"Type":"Ping"}]

0531-143554.492-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-143554.492-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-143555.712-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44366,"Fields":{"BID":1904.5035,"ASK":1905.4966}}]

0531-143555.712-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.4966, BID=1904.5035}

0531-143556.572-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44382,"Fields":{"BID":1904.6400,"ASK":1905.1500}}]

0531-143556.573-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.15, BID=1904.64}

0531-143557.372-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44398,"Fields":{"BID":1904.5000,"ASK":1905.5000}}]

0531-143557.372-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.5, BID=1904.5}

0531-143557.569-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44414,"Fields":{"BID":1904.6300,"ASK":1905.1400}}]

0531-143557.569-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.14, BID=1904.63}

0531-143558.396-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":2,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"TRY="},"SeqNumber":29966,"Fields":{"BID":8.5039,"ASK":8.5107}}]

0531-143558.396-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.5107, BID=8.5039}

0531-143558.983-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44430,"Fields":{"BID":1904.6400,"ASK":1905.1500}}]

0531-143558.983-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.15, BID=1904.64}

0531-143559.402-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44446,"Fields":{"BID":1904.6300,"ASK":1905.1400}}]

0531-143559.402-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.14, BID=1904.63}

0531-143600.382-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44462,"Fields":{"BID":1904.6400,"ASK":1905.1500}}]

0531-143600.382-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.15, BID=1904.64}

0531-143600.583-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44478,"Fields":{"BID":1904.6400,"ASK":1905.1500}}]

0531-143600.583-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.15, BID=1904.64}

0531-143600.672-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44494,"Fields":{"BID":1904.4896,"ASK":1905.4858}}]

0531-143600.673-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.4858, BID=1904.4896}

0531-143601.122-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44510,"Fields":{"BID":1904.5600,"ASK":1905.3300}}]

0531-143601.122-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.33, BID=1904.56}

0531-143601.432-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44526,"Fields":{"BID":1904.6400,"ASK":1905.1500}}]

0531-143601.433-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.15, BID=1904.64}

0531-143602.662-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Received message: [{"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Unspecified","DoNotConflate":true,"Key":{"Service":"ELEKTRON_DD","Name":"XAU="},"SeqNumber":44542,"Fields":{"BID":1904.6500,"ASK":1905.1600}}]

0531-143602.662-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.16, BID=1904.65}

0531-143625.000-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 31 seconds (>30).

0531-143626.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 32 seconds (>30).

0531-143627.000-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 33 seconds (>30).

0531-143628.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 34 seconds (>30).

0531-143629.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 35 seconds (>30).

… // deleted “Server did not send PING for XXX seconds (>30).” logs for simplicity

0531-143806.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 132 seconds (>30).

0531-143807.000-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 133 seconds (>30).

0531-143808.000-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 134 seconds (>30).

0531-143808.694-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Disconnected. closedByServer=false, closeFrame=WebSocketFrame(FIN=1,RSV1=0,RSV2=0,RSV3=0,Opcode=CLOSE,Length=42,CloseCode=1002,Reason="No more WebSocketframe from the server.")

0531-143809.057-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Connect received. Started to close WebSocket...

0531-143809.057-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Recreating WebSocket.

0531-143809.058-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Connecting WebSocket...

Environment #1:

Uses Library: nv-websocket-client

+ Updated client code program: We did not close server connection after 30 seconds PING timeout. Instead we sent PONG messages secondly. But after ~11 minutes WebSocket library enforced to disconnect from the server.

Websocket library reported this case with message: An I/O error occurred while a frame was being read from the web socket: Connection reset

Here is the details (I have openned our debug level messages also, so can see server side raw messages):

531-150931.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150932.000-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 374 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150932.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150932.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150933.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 375 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150933.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150933.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150934.002-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 376 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150934.002-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150934.002-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150935.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 377 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150935.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150935.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150936.000-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 378 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150936.000-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150936.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150937.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 379 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150937.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150937.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150938.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 380 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150938.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150938.002-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150939.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 381 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150939.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150939.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150940.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 382 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150940.002-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150940.002-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150941.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 383 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150941.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150941.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150942.002-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 384 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150942.002-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150942.002-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150943.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 385 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150943.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150943.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150944.000-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 386 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150944.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150944.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150945.000-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 387 seconds (>30). Sending PONG message...

0531-150945.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message

0531-150945.001-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending json message: {"Type":"Pong"}

0531-150945.142-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Disconnected. closedByServer=false, closeFrame=WebSocketFrame(FIN=1,RSV1=0,RSV2=0,RSV3=0,Opcode=CLOSE,Length=90,CloseCode=1008,Reason="An I/O error occurred while a frame was being read from the web socket: Connection reset")

0531-150945.142-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: State changing from LOGGEDIN to CLOSED

0531-150945.147-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Connect received. Started to close WebSocket...

0531-150945.147-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Recreating WebSocket.

0531-150945.148-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: State changing from CLOSED to CONNECTING

0531-150945.148-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Connecting WebSocket...

0531-150945.282-I-(DsDbFeedThread) - sendAlarm 177950 Feed id (1) is down/disconnected

0531-150947.437-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Finished closing WebSocket.

0531-150947.437-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Successfully connected.

Environment #2:

Uses Library: Java-WebSocket <=== This WebSocket library is new for this test case

In this test when we have detected that server did not send PING message for 30 seconds and we disconnected from the server programmatically.

As seen below, latest PING message is received at 12:48:41 and prices are received until 12:48:58 from server.

At 12:49:12 we detected that server did not send any PING message more than 30 seconds. So we disconnected connection and reconnected.

So here there is data loss due to server not sending prices until we reconnect.

0531-124821.929-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message ß PING RECEIVED AND WE RESPONDED WITH PONG

// prices flow normally

0531-124841.929-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Sending Pong message ß LATEST PING RECEIVED AND WE RESPONDED WITH PONG

// prices flow until stopped at highlighted part

0531-124854.261-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1906.7, BID=1903.9}

0531-124854.301-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.61, BID=1905.1}

0531-124854.462-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.63, BID=1905.12}

0531-124855.286-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.4893, BID=8.4829}

0531-124855.286-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.4893, BID=8.4829}

0531-124855.712-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.8527, BID=1904.7554}

0531-124855.756-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.4904, BID=8.4822}

0531-124856.261-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.8, BID=1904.9}

0531-124857.022-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.85, BID=1904.76}

0531-124857.275-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.4892, BID=8.4832}

0531-124857.485-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='TRY=', ASK=8.4902, BID=8.4825}

0531-124858.182-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1905.73, BID=1904.96}

0531-124858.272-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: {instr='XAU=', ASK=1906.0, BID=1904.7}

// after then we do not get either any prices or PING message!

0531-124912.001-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Server did not send PING for 31 seconds (>30). Closing WebSocket...

0531-124912.002-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Close received. Disconnecting WebSocket...

0531-124931.137-W-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Disconnected. closedByServer=false, code=1000, reason: Server did not send PING for 31 seconds (>30)

0531-124931.151-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Connect received.

0531-124931.151-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Reconnecting WebSocket...

0531-125046.228-I-(WebSocketSession) - WSOCK: Successfully connected.

…. // login steps

icon clock
10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 5.0 MiB each and 10.0 MiB total.


It would be helpful to find out more, in order to understand the issue better.

Are you connecting via websocket to Real Time Optimized service , Refinitiv hosted, or local deployed infrastructure?

Are you testing with a Refinitiv example? Which one? If not, what language?

Depending on your answers, I would first verify the issue with Refinitiv starter example for this type of infra connectivity and preferably, the same language option.

Hello @zoya.farberov,

  • Connecting to "Real Time Optimized service"
  • We have adopted websocket-api MarketPriceRdpGwServiceDiscovery example to our codes.
  • Using Java 8

Thanks for your help.

Best Regards.



We have detected that the problem is ISP related. They have defined some rules and solved.

Thanks for the supports.


icon clock
10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 5.0 MiB each and 10.0 MiB total.

23k 22 9 14


I did a quick sanity check on my side:

  1. Downloaded the latest version of MarketPriceRdpGwServiceDiscovery example.
  2. Built via ant, per README
  3. Created project with libraries pulled by ant->build and run for 5 mins ( I could have run command line, just personally prefer IDE)
  4. On my side it runs without disconnects

Would suggest to try the same test in your environment, use example MarketPriceRdpGwServiceDiscovery as is for testing, without any changes, with libraries pulled by ant build, to see if that would face the same issue. This should allow to determine, if the issue you observe is environment-specific, or code+websocket library related.

icon clock
10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 5.0 MiB each and 10.0 MiB total.

Hello @zoya.farberov,

Sorry for late response.

I have tested our client app without the corporate proxy (we must use it on production) and saw that everything was ok. So we are investigating the problem on firewall side now.

Thanks for your help.

9.7k 49 38 60


I think @zoya.farberov suggestion is good to test to see if you observe the same behavior. This example is designed for a small use case to confirm expected behavior. However, if you are using a larger watchlist, there are some things you need to consider. Specifically, the larger watchlist of items, the more processing your application may take in post-processing. The more overall time spent in post-processing, the less time spent on processing update messages from the network. What we typically refer to as "slow consumer", what could be happening is the "ping" messages are being sent out in the expected time but are queued up on the network. The longer you take in your processing callbacks, the longer it takes to process messages from the network.

This is a possible reason that should be considered.

icon clock
10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 5.0 MiB each and 10.0 MiB total.

Hi @nick.zincone.1,

We just use 2 currency as subscription. We receive 4 or 5 currency value in a second as max. So we do not expect any slowness problem.

The problem is not receiving any message after 1 hour everytime. So our suspection is on our network rules. WebSocket (ws://) connection may be considered differently from the other http, https rules. We are still investigating.


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