We use Refinitv Elektron SDK API (ema.jar, upa.jar, upaValueAdd.jar version to connect to Refinitiv to get market data. We tested the scenario of Real time updates for securities that are added intraday or end of day, but we are not getting any updates for product addition intraday (the page RIC was not updated with the new linkage).
Expected behavior is that if we already have a subscription to a page/chain RIC and a new security is added under that page/chain RIC, the page/chain RIC will be updated with the new linkage in real time.
Use case: We were expecting the following securities for US Treasury to be available intraday when announced (https://www.treasurydirect.gov/instit/instit.htm?upcoming).
Bills 912796D89 (WI=1), 912796F87(WI=1) with Announcement Date - 2021-03-09 were expected to be available at 2021-03-08 17:50:16,558 EST.
Cash Management Bill 912796H93 (WI=1) with Announcement date - 2021-03-09 was expected to be available at 2021-03-09 12:08:06,706 EST.
On the Refinitiv feed, the page RIC was not updated with the new linkage, for the corresponding RIC's (US1MTWI=TWEB, US2MTWI=TWEB) and (US119D713=TWEB). Our component(subscribing to Refinitiv) was running till 18:34 and didn’t get any updates on the feed (which was expected).
After we restarted our component (subscribing to Refinitiv) at 18:35, it received the updates for RICs US1MTWI=TWEB, US2MTWI=TWEB and US119D713=TWEB under the page ric.
We subscribe to the below mentioned chains (and dynamically to the instruments listed under each page) using following code.
Chain Subscription:
ReqMsg reqMsg = EmaFactory.createReqMsg();
ommConsumer.registerClient(reqMsg.serviceName("IDN_SELECTFEED").name(chainName), ommConsumerClientChainListenerInstance);
RegisterClient is invoked for the following chains (chainName variable is replaced with the individual chain names)
Instrument Subscription:
ReqMsg reqMsg = EmaFactory.createReqMsg();
ommConsumer.registerClient(reqMsg.serviceName("IDN_SELECTFEED").name(instrumentName), ommConsumerClientInstrumentListenerInstance);
Is there some open issue on Refinitiv side that is causing the issue where clients are not getting the Real time updates for securities that are added intraday or end of day ?
Or do we need to use some specific API to be able to get the Real time updates for securities that are added intraday or end of day ?