about DictionanyType
FileDictionary (0): The EMA loads the dictionaries from the files specified in the parameters RdmFieldDictionaryFileName and EnumTypeDefFileName. ChannelDictionary (1): The EMA downloads dictionaries by requesting the dictionaries from the upstream provider.
This is from the Manual, Now look at the code:
innerMap.addKeyAscii( "Dictionary_1", MapEntry::AddEnum, ElementList() .addEnum( "DictionaryType", 1 ) .addAscii( "RdmFieldDictionaryFileName", "./RDMFieldDictionary" ) .addAscii( "EnumTypeDefFileName", "./enumtype.def" ).complete() ).complete();
The question: you specify type 1 here, which mean use ChannelDictionary, why do you need provide RdmFieldDictionaryFileName and EnumTypeDefFileName;