I use code and RIC: ESM0m or 1UROZ0m
Why is there no expiration date?
Automation cannot be done because of this problem.
Historic RIC: ESM0m or 1UROZ0m
help me, please
var extractionDatesResult = ExtractionsContext.Extract( new HistoricalReferenceExtractionRequest { ContentFieldNames = new DssCollection<string>() { "RIC", "Start date", "Change Date", "Expiration Date" }, Condition = new HistoricalReferenceCondition { StartDate = result.FirstDate, EndDate = result.LastDate }, IdentifierList = new InstrumentIdentifierList { InstrumentIdentifiers = new[] { InstrumentIdentifier.Create(result.IdentifierType, result.Identifier) }, ValidationOptions = new InstrumentValidationOptions { AllowHistoricalInstruments = true }, UseUserPreferencesForValidationOptions = false } }); dynamic srcLastDate = null; foreach (var content in extractionDatesResult) foreach (var prop in content.DynamicProperties) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t {1},\r", prop.Key, prop.Value); if (srcLastDate == null && prop.Key == "Expiration Date" && prop.Value != null) srcLastDate = prop.Value; }