I am trying to replicate the revenue data in the TR application for RICS "SQ.N". I want to see the full historical Revenue, for the current fiscal quarter through the relative FQ-32 quarters, upon each announce date.
raw_ids, err = ek.get_data( ['SQ.N'], ['TR.RevenueActValue', 'TR.RevenueActValue.calcdate','TR.RevenueActValue.date','TR.RevenueActValue.fperiod','TR.RevenueActValue.periodenddate','TR.RevenueActValue.announcedate' ], { 'SDate':'2000-01-01', 'EDate':'2030-01-01', 'Period':'FQ0,FQ-32', 'Frq':'FQ' } ) raw_ids[raw_ids['Financial Period Absolute'] == 'FY2019Q4']
Unfortunately, the historical data returned for the most recent announce date does not line up with the income statement view in the eikon application.
As shown in the example above, the python call returns a value of 620.678 for FY2019Q4. The application correctly shows 1,313.4
How do I return the correct historical values shown in the application here, by announce date?