I am retrieving RICs of SPX, STOXX50E and NDX constituents using this request:
{ "Request": { "ChainRics": [ "0#.SPX:", "0#.STOXX50E", "0#.NDX" ], "Range": { "Start": "2006-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "End": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } } }
I correctly get a list of RICS but when I try to retrieve further informations (PermID and Organization Name) on some of those RICs using the RecordMatchingAPI of PermID (https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/api-catalog/open-perm-id/permid-record-matching-restful-api) I fail to find some of the RICs in the list.
An example is Ric:INFO.OQ