Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way in order not to get the whole json full of None values if there is no data in the system? For example, if I'm performing the API call for this instrument - LP72011906, I receive a json like that:
{'IdentifierType': 'Ric', 'Identifier': 'LP72011906', 'Trade Date': '2020-06-24', 'Universal Close Price': None, 'Net Asset Value': None}, {'Identifi
erType': 'Ric', 'Identifier': 'LP72011906', 'Trade Date': '2020-06-25', 'Universal Close Price': None, 'Net Asset Value': None}, {'IdentifierType': 'Ric',
'Identifier': 'LP72011906', 'Trade Date': '2020-06-26', 'Universal Close Price': None, 'Net Asset Value': None}
whereas for invalid RIC I receive 'Error': 'Not found'
Is there a way to specify in my request, maybe in ValidationOptions that if all values are None, just return 'Error': 'Not found' or something like this.
Thank you in advance