I pulled all available fields for report template "SymbolCrossReference" using "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.SymbolCrossReferenceExtractionRequest". Here is a list of the fields I extracted:
"Alternate Identifier", "Alternate Identifier Description", "Alternate Identifier Last Change Date", "Alternate Identifier Segment Source", "Alternate Identifier Segment Source Description", "Alternate Identifier Type", "Asset ID", "Asset Status", "Asset Status Description", "Asset Type", "Asset Type Description", "Contributor Code", "Contributor Code Description", "Fitch Issuer ID", "Instrument ID", "Instrument ID Type", "Issue PermID", "Issuer OrgID", "Issuer PermID", "Moodys Issuer ID", "PE Code", "Quote ID", "Quote PermID", "RCP ID", "Reuters Editorial RIC", "S&P Issuer ID", "Security Description", "Usage Instrument SubType", "Usage Instrument Type", "User Defined Identifier", "User Defined Identifier2", "User Defined Identifier3", "User Defined Identifier4", "User Defined Identifier5", "User Defined Identifier6"
I have RIC and Sedol identifier displayed under Symbols section, whereas Cusip and ISIN displayed under Cross Reference section within DataScope UI. Any field above determines which identifier gets displayed in the Cross Reference section in the screen shot below? Or there is more I need to do to determine this?