Due to migration tempates on DSS side some endpionts will no longer be supported (e.g. SOAP - InstrumentExtractionRequestTimeSeriesPricing ).
Currently we use TimeseriesPricing template and the new suggested is PriceHistory.
We would like to know the impact on our communication channels and information what we should changed on our side. This information is not clear to us and impacts production.
Our project (TSRD) uses FTP, SOAP and REST api to communicate with DSS. Please provide what should be changed on our side. Here is the list of our communication channels to DSS
- RestAPI - https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi.Help/Context/Operation?ctx=Extractions&opn=ExtractWithNotes&sce=On Demand Extractions - Create - Time Series&tab=2
- Soap https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/datascopeapi/v1/extractionservice.asmx?wsdl
- InstrumentExtractionRequestEndOfDay
- InstrumentExtractionRequestIntradayPricing
- InstrumentExtractionRequestCoraxStandardEvents
- InstrumentValidationRequest
- InstrumentSearchRequestAll
- InstrumentExtractionRequestTimeSeriesPricing (this will be no longer supported)
- FTP - https://hosted.datascope.reuters.com/Datascope/ReportRequest.xsd
- ReportTemplate -> TimeseriesPricing
So far we know that SOAP (InstrumentExtractionRequestTimeSeriesPricing) should be repalced by RestAPI(
https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi.Help/Context/Operation?ctx=Extractions&opn=ExtractWithNotes&sce=On Demand Extractions - Create - Price History.primary&tab=2)
What about:
This is urgent Credit Suisse production issue with communication to DSS.