I'm writing in C# and trying to determine if it's possible to pull a snapshot (not a subscription) of data for multiple RICs at a time, however I want to determine the list of RICs at runtime. In my testing I've been able to get the below to work without issue.
realtime.SetupDataRequest() .WithRics("AAPL.O", "MSFT.O", "TRN.N","TSLA.O","F") .WithFields("OPEN_PRC","ACVOL_1","PCTCHG_YTD") .OnDataReceived(DataReceivedCallback) .CreateAndSend();
However, what I'd like to do is something like this:
string rics = "\"AAPL.O\", \"MSFT.O\", \"TRN.N\", \"TSLA.O\", \"F\""; realtime.SetupDataRequest() .WithRics(rics) .WithFields("OPEN_PRC","ACVOL_1","PCTCHG_YTD") .OnDataReceived(DataReceivedCallback) .CreateAndSend();
Which would allow me to dynamically build the list of RICs at run time. Is something like that possible and if so can someone point me to in the right direction? Thank you very much.