There are flags HAS_SET_DEFS in some containers (Series, Map and Vector). And there is a encSetDefs buffer in the container’s members.
Take RsslSeries as an example:
{ RSSL_SRF_NONE = 0x00, RSSL_SRF_HAS_SET_DEFS = 0x01, RSSL_SRF_HAS_SUMMARY_DATA = 0x02, RSSL_SRF_HAS_TOTAL_COUNT_HINT = 0x04 } RsslSeriesFlags; typedef struct { RsslUInt8 flags; RsslContainerType containerType; RsslBuffer encSetDefs; /*!< @brief Contains encoded set definition information when present. Presence is indicated by \ref RsslSeriesFlags ::RSSL_SRF_HAS_SET_DEFS. When decoding, this contains encoded set definitions. When encoding, pre-encoded set definition information can be specified here; if not pre-encoded the user can encode set definitions and invoke rsslEncodeSeriesSetDefsComplete() when ready to continue encoding RsslSeries contents. */ RsslBuffer encSummaryData; RsslUInt32 totalCountHint; RsslBuffer encEntries; } RsslSeries;
My question is how to decode the encSetDefs? We have tried to decode it as a container indicated by containerType and to decode it as Series but failed. Could you please help to tell us which API should be used to decode it? And when encoding, what kind of structure should be encoded into it? If possible, appreciate any example about this function.