Below works where Identifier has 50 characters exactly. If I put 4 ISINs where the last one GB000718875 is incorrect, since I removed the last character “7”. Otherwise I exceed the 50 character limit:
{ "SearchRequest": { "InstrumentTypeGroups": [ "CollatetizedMortgageObligations", "Commodities", "Equities", "Funds", "FuturesAndOptions", "GovCorp", "Money", "MortgageBackedSecurities", "Municipals" ], "Identifier": "FI4000297767,SE0000242455,DK0010274414,GB000718875", "IdentifierType": "Isin", "PreferredIdentifierType": "Ric" } }
If I add the missing character “7” then I have 51 characters in total but then I get error:
"error":{ "message":"Validation Error:\r\n\r\nIdentifier can not exceed 50 characters" }
So how to pass a list of identifiers including more than 50 characters e.g. “5” ISINs? Please advise.