Hi there,
I am trying to get the constituent list (along with the Price, Weight & the price date) as on a date using DataStream Web Services API (DSWS API). Below is my code,
mnem <- 'LASX200I'
idate <- '2019-12-01' #input in YYYY-MM-DD format
mmyy <- paste0(substr(idate,6,7),substr(idate,3,4))
cdata <- mydsws$listRequest(instrument = paste0(mnem,mmyy),
datatype = c("NAME","MNEM","P","WTIDX","TIME"),
When I am running the above code, the R wrapper tend to use the current date (as default) instead of the requestDate provided in the function. Meaning whatever the date I parse, it gives me the current date prices, weights and the date. Can you please review this and fix the bug.