public void onUpdateMsg(UpdateMsg updateMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event) { FieldList fieldList = updateMsg.payload().fieldList(); for (FieldEntry fieldEntry : fieldList) { if (Data.DataCode.BLANK == fieldEntry.code()) break; else if (fieldEntry.fieldId() == fid) fieldValue = Double.toString(fieldEntry.real().asDouble()); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "update~~~~~~~~" + + " " + + " " + fieldValue); break; } }
I am working on the implementation for the real time data to the excel plugin. I have encounter the following issue.
Here I have subscribe to the 0005.HKd with BEST_ASK1 and BEST_ASIZ1. I print out the update msg receive from data feed.
2019-08-28 16:04:52,896 - INFO : update~~~~~~~~0005.HKd BEST_ASK1 127600.0
2019-08-28 16:04:52,896 - INFO : update~~~~~~~~0005.HKd BEST_ASK1 56.05
The return BEST_ASK1 instead of BEST_ASIZ1 for best ask size 1.