I was informed by my Market Data team that the map collect for Reuters has been done on my account.
I tried running my Python code to retrieve the RIC "/SGDTRD6MF=ABSG", via Eikon Python API. However, I was unable to get the time series. This is the error message I have gotten: " Error with /SGDTRD6MF=ABSG: The user does not have permission for the requested data
/SGDTRD6MF=ABSG: The user does not have permission for the requested data |"
I have also tried retrieving the time series for the same RIC, using Reuters Excel API, and that works fine. Another thing I have tried is to use 2 of my colleagues' Eikon Data API keys to try retrieving the same RIC, via Python, and still I get the same error.
Following which, I have checked in with the Reuters support team, who once again told me that this query is related to permissioning issues, which means I have to reach out to my Market Data Services Team once again.
Please advise.
Thank you!