I have sent a market price request for FX rates as below:
{ "ID":2, "Domain" : "MarketPrice", "Streaming":True, "Key":{ "Name":"10YAUDFX=SG", "Service": "DDS" }, "Priority":{ "Class": 1, "Count": 1 }, "Qos":{ "Timeliness":"Realtime", "Rate":"TickByTick" } }
and I get a one-time off response, no further updates:
RECEIVED: [ { "Fields":{ "ASK":-1234.2, "ASK_TIME":"08:36:00", "BID":-1299.2, "BID_TIME":"08:36:00", "DSPLY_NAME":"AUD10Y SGID", "MKT_MKR_NM":"Soc Gen", "RDNDISPLAY":67, "RECORDTYPE":209, "TIMACT":"13:40:45.759", "TRADE_DATE":"2019-06-10" }, "ID":2, "Key":{ "Name":"10YAUDFX=SG", "Service":"DDS" }, "Qos":{ "Rate":"TickByTick", "Timeliness":"Realtime" }, "State":{ "Data":"Suspect", "Stream":"Open", "Text":"Live Contrib Timeout\u0000" }, "Type":"Refresh" } ]
Is there anything wrong with my request? I am expecting a streaming connection to market data will keep pushing real-time market prices to me, how to achieve my goal?
And BTW, how can I find the Key.Name for a specific market price, for example EUR-USD rate?