I implemented a for loop to request data for various assets:
String[] assets = new string[] { "Cc1", "Cc2", "ESc1", "ESc2" }; foreach(String s in assets) { TimeSeriesRequest(s); Console.WriteLine("OK"); }
In the StopMessagePump() function I had to remove the Frame.Continue = false; statement because otherwise, the code would not complete for all 4 assets:
public static void StopMessagePump() { //Frame.Continue = false; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("For other usage examples please uncomment the required method call in timeSeries_ServiceInformationChanged()."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); // Console.ReadKey(); }
However, to properly finish the program I must have Frame.Continue = false; somewhere after all async threads are finished. How can I check if all the loops are done?