I got a timeout errors due to network maintenance on EaaS ADS.
I'd like to know how can I register a listener in case that happens again.
AFAIK, Possible candidate might be either OmmConsumerErrorClient, or OmmConsumerClient ?
2019-02-03 21:30:58.653 ERROR 151369 --- [pool-4-thread-1] c.t.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl : loggerMsg ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient Severity: Error Text: Channel_3 Instance Name BetaBlueConsumer_1 RsslReactor @789a0ab9 RsslChannel @3a211627 Error Id 0 Internal sysError 0 Error Location Reactor.processWorkerEvent Error text Error - exceeded initialization timeout (5 s) loggerMsgEnd