Hi all,
I have a question regarding the download of stock price data referring to specific dates, varying throughout the dataset. I use Datastream to download stock price data matching to M&A announcement retrieved from the SDC Mergers&Acquisitions database. Specifically, I need to download stock price data referring to specific announcement dates, varying from company to company. (e.g. Deal A was announced on 10jun2016, so I want to retrieve the target stock price 30 trading days prior to the transaction. For Deal B, the announcement date may be 26jun2016. And so on...)
As the sample is quite large (>90.000 transactions over a 20-year period), I am looking for a way to only download the stock price data for the relevant dates for each transaction (i.e. I only need a few specific dates per transaction, but the dates are different for each transaction). I want to avoid downloading stock price data of the last 20 years for all companies, because it would result in an immense ammount of unused data. Of course, I also want to avoid manually having to download the data for each company and date, as this would take me months.
I would be glad, if someone knew a way of automatically downloading only the stock price dates relevant for the regarding transaction for a large dataset, on the basis of the companies' Datastream code.
Thanks a lot for your help!