In DataScopeSelect I can set the "Include Thousand Separator" for a Reporttemplate via
ReportTemplate - Fields - Edit Fields - Formatting Number.
Where can I set this, if I create a Report via API ?
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In DataScopeSelect I can set the "Include Thousand Separator" for a Reporttemplate via
ReportTemplate - Fields - Edit Fields - Formatting Number.
Where can I set this, if I create a Report via API ?
In the request, you define an object named Headers, containing an element called ShowThousandsSeparator.
Here is an example HTTP body for the creation of an EndOfDayPricingReport template:
{ "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ReportTemplates.EndOfDayPricingReportTemplate", "ShowColumnHeaders": false, "Name": "myEodTemplateName", "Headers": [ { "ShowThousandsSeparator": true } ], "Trailers": [], "ContentFields": [ { "FieldName": "Instrument ID" }, { "FieldName": "Security Description" }, { "FieldName": "Universal Close Price Date" }, { "FieldName": "Universal Close Price" } ], "Condition": null }