Hi, I'm trying to run cunsumer100 example and receive the following error:
May 14, 2018 2:42:46 PM com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.ChannelCallbackClient reactorChannelEventCallback WARNING: loggerMsg ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient Severity: Warning Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel_1 RsslReactor Channel is null Error Id 0 Internal sysError 0 Error Location Reactor.processWorkerEvent Error text Error initializing channel: errorId=-1 text=Handshake failed with far end. No more Protocols to try. loggerMsgEnd
My environment is: Ubuntu 16.04 with Java 7 (OpenJDK 7)
I got the latest Elektron SDK sources from github, and run an unaltered example (with only the config.host changed to the one provided by TR).
Can anyone tell me where the problem could be?