I am trying to search for commodities by underlying product as documented here:
Here is python code for a query that looks for Argus commodities without matching product type:
q = { "SearchRequest": { "IdentifierType": "Ric", "PreferredIdentifierType": "Ric", # "RcsUnderlyingProducts":["*CRUDE*"], # "Description":"CRUDE", "ExchangeCodes":["ARG"], #"ExchangeCodesOperator":"Exclude" } }
q = json.dumps(q)
response_data = requests.post("https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/Search/CommoditySearch", headers = {"Prefer": "respond-async", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization":"Token "+json.loads(response_credentials.text)["value"]},data = q)
This returns 250 results, which is the limit, I guess. Among them, there are many with RcsUnderlyingProduct 'CRUDE OIL.' For example:
{'AssetCategory': 'EFU', 'AssetStatus': 'Inactive', 'CommoditiesUnderlyingAsset': 'NATURAL GAS', 'ContractMonthAndYear': 'MAR2014', 'CurrencyCode': 'RUB', 'CurrencyCodeDescription': 'Russian New Ruble', 'Description': 'URALS SEABORNE M', 'ExchangeCode': 'ARG', 'ExchangeCodeDescription': 'ARGUS (ARG)', 'ExpirationDate': '2014-03-17T00:00:00.000Z', 'FileCode': '6295', 'FileCodeDescription': '(6295) DOBOL Daily', 'FrequencyOfUpdate': '', 'Identifier': 'URLSBRNBKH4^1', 'IdentifierType': 'Ric', 'InstrumentType': 'Commodity', 'Key': 'VjF8MHgwMDEwMGIwMDExYTQyM2QyfDB4MDAxMDBiMDAwZjE1YTAyZnxBUkd8Q09NUXxDT01NfENPTU18T3x8UklDOlVSTFNCUk5CS0g0XjF8NjI5NQ', 'LongDescription': 'DRNR ROOT MAR 2014', 'LotUnits': 'USD', 'PrimaryChainOrTile': '0#URLSBRNBK:', 'RcsUnderlyingProduct': 'CRUDE OIL', 'Source': 'ARG', 'SourceName': 'ARGUS MEDIA LTD', 'SourceType': 'SPLST', 'Status': 'Valid', 'TrClassificationScheme': 'FUT'}
If i perform a search adding a filter for 'RcsUnderlyingProducts' as follows:
q = { "SearchRequest": { "IdentifierType": "Ric", "PreferredIdentifierType": "Ric", "RcsUnderlyingProducts":['CRUDE OIL'], "RcsUnderlyingProductsOperator":"Include", "ExchangeCodes":["ARG"], #"ExchangeCodesOperator":"Exclude" } }
q = json.dumps(q)
response_data = requests.post("https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/Search/CommoditySearch", headers = {"Prefer": "respond-async", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization":"Token "+json.loads(response_credentials.text)["value"]},data = q)
i get an empty result. so the API request is accepted, so i assume it is well formed. but no response. even though clear what i typed was a verbatim match.
are there any worked examples of this functionality in HTTP?