We are retrieving different extraction contents in consecutive calls to the REST Api of TRTH.
The endpoint and report template used for accessing the intraday data are shown below:
{ "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ReportTemplates.TickHistoryIntradaySummariesReportTemplate", "ShowColumnHeaders": false, "Name": "E24584_REQUESTINTRADAY_0123456789_TEMPL_33164", "Headers": [], "Trailers": [], "ContentFields": [{ "Format": null, "FieldName": "Open" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "High" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "Low" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "Last" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "Volume" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "Open Ask" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "High Ask" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "Low Ask" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "Close Ask" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "Open Bid" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "High Bid" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "Low Bid" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "Close Bid" }], "Condition": { "MessageTimeStampIn": "LocalExchangeTime", "ReportDateRangeType": "Range", "QueryStartDate": "2017-09-14T00:00:00.000", "QueryEndDate": "2017-09-14T23:59:59.000", "DisplaySourceRIC": false, "SummaryInterval": "FiveMinutes" } }
After executing several times this data access, we get differences in the contents of their related extractions (extraction records that appears in one side that don't in the other one and vice-versa)
Some screenshots from the comparison tool used are provided:
Any idea about what is happening?