Hi, tried using the below formula to get turnover time series data
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
endDate = datetime.datetime.today()
startDate = endDate - relativedelta(months = 3)
temp = eikon.get_timeseries('BATS.L', fields='VALUE', start_date=startDate, end_date=endDate)
but the result is
2017-06-28 NaN
2017-06-29 NaN
2017-06-30 NaN
2017-07-03 NaN
2017-07-04 NaN
2017-09-21 NaN
2017-09-22 NaN
2017-09-25 NaN
2017-09-26 NaN
[64 rows x 1 columns]
Is there any syntax error or is there any alternate formula which I can use to get the data?
Also Can I get the turnover values in EUR only and I don't need to multiply be any factors.
ex: I need to multiply turnover value by 10^6 in excel to get actual turnover
=TR("BATS.L","TR.TURNOVER*1000000","Frq=D SDate=2017-06-25 EDate=2017-09-25 Curn=EUR CH=Fd")