We are having a usecase where we need to validate the lead/customer data which is entered on "Add Lead" screen. Will World-Check One API immediately send the response back to calling interface with a results such as "Valid/Invalid". Because we need to display the result immediately on the screen and prevent the Sales Rep to save the data into our system. Please advise.
1. Is that a mandatory step to create a case before sending the request for screening?
2. Why we need Groups and Group Id?
3. For example, if I have a prospect details such as below and am try to data entry these details in a form. Now I want to screen this prospect is valid or not. When I initiate screening request, how much is the response time approximately? Can you please provide some sample responses for this data? Will there be more than one response from the screening process?
Name: Baskaran
Street: 4th Street
City: Edison
State: NJ
Nationality: US
Pincode: 15970