I uses Open DACS Java API and it provides AuthorizationAgent.getPermissionVariable(handle, status, sVariableName, sVariableData) but I cannot find what permission variables can be got via the method and the example using the method.
I uses Open DACS Java API and it provides AuthorizationAgent.getPermissionVariable(handle, status, sVariableName, sVariableData) but I cannot find what permission variables can be got via the method and the example using the method.
The AuthorizationAgent.getPermissionVariable(com.reuters.rfa.common.Handle handle, AuthorizationCheckStatus status, java.lang.String sVariableName,String[] sVariableData) method finds a value with a variable name. The variables and their meanings are listed below:
The example source code using the method:
//after you can login and get the valid handle ,_handle. AuthorizationCheckStatus authCheckStatus = new AuthorizationCheckStatus(); String sVariableName = "U.ITEM.MAX.AGGREGATE"; //String sVariableName = "DACS_API_VERSION"; String[] sVariableData=new String[3]; try { // Get the permission variable value given a variable name for a given user handle. AuthorizationCheckResult authCheckResult = _agent.getPermissionVariable(_handle,authCheckStatus,sVariableName , sVariableData); // Check the result of calling the getPermissionVariable() method. if (authCheckResult == AuthorizationCheckResult.ACCESS_ALLOWED) { System.out.print("[" + _daemonHost + "] " + _name + " allow access of " + sVariableName + ". The value is " ); if(sVariableData!=null){ for(String aData:sVariableData) if(aData!=null) System.out.print(aData + ","); System.out.println(); } } else { System.out.println("[" + _daemonHost + "] " + _name + " denied access of " + sVariableName); System.out.println("status message - " + authCheckStatus.getStatusText()); } } catch (AuthorizationException ae) { // In case the exception occurs during calling method. System.err.println("[" + _daemonHost + "] " + _name + " check get Permission variable named " + sVariableName + " failed"); System.out.println("Exception message - " + ae.getMessage()); return; }
If the method lookup is successful, you will be able to get the value of the variable. The example output:
[] pimchaya allow access of U.ITEM.MAX.AGGREGATE. The value is 20,
[] pimchaya allow access of DACS_API_VERSION. The value is dacs6.7.0.F2,
If the method lookup is failure, you will get AuthorizationCheckResult.ACCESS_DENIED and you can get the reason in AuthorizationCheckStatus.getStatusText(). Based on my test,the U.ITEM.MAX.AGGREGATE can be failed to look up if the Aggregate Item Limit of the user is not set(blank) or the DACS e.g. version 6.3 does not provide the interface to set the Aggregate Item Limit of the user. The example output:
[] chongdee denied access of U.ITEM.MAX.AGGREGATE status message - Authorization Check not set