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issues with installing of the EIKON API for R package

Dear EIKON R package Team,

I have faild to install the package THAPI (Laptop Asus x64 Windows 7).

I have downgraded R to 2.15.x (I tried all of 2.15x versions), run it as the administrator, then

install.packages('RCurl'); install.packages('XML'); install.packages('base64') (by the way, they did not work ok with 2.15.x; maybe the old realeses of them are also needed?), then I tried to instal (install.packages("D:/Downloads/THAPI.ZIP", repos = NULL)) and way.:

Installation d(es) package(s) dans ‘D:/Documents/R/win-library/2.15’ (car ‘lib’ n'est pas spécifié) Erreur dans read.dcf(file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION"), c("Package", "Type")) : impossible d'ouvrir la connexion De plus : Message d'avis : In read.dcf(file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION"), c("Package", "Type")) : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier compressé 'THAPI.ZIP/DESCRIPTION', cause probable : 'No such file or directory'.

what could you advise, please? Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


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From the package name it's not Eikon API. Instead it should be TRTH API for request Tick Historical Data. Are you download the pacakge from

Based on below description from DESCRIPTION file in, it requires R version 3.1.0 Built: R 3.1.0; ; 2014-05-13 05:26:57 UTC; unix


I have a chance to try it previously, and it seems not to work if you install R library using original .zip file. However I found workaround by unpack the package and repack all files from unpacked folder to again.

Then I can load the new in RStudio

Just try some function such as getQuota and it seems to work.

> library("THAPI")
Attaching package: ‘THAPI’
The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:
> rdth<-createCredential("<TRTH Username>","<TRTH Password>")
> getQuota(rdth)
An object of class "Quota"
Slot "type":
An object of class "QuotaType"
Slot "value":
[1] "Unlimited"
Slot "usedCash":
[1] "0"
Slot "totalCash":
[1] "0"
Slot "usedOption":
[1] "0"
Slot "totalOption":
[1] "0"
Slot "usedFuture":
[1] "0"
Slot "totalFuture":
[1] "0"
Slot "exceedable":
[1] "true"

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My R version is 3.3.1, but when I want to install this package, it shows Error in install.packages : type == "both" cannot be used with 'repos = NULL'

How do I solve it, thanks

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@ moragodkrit

thanks a lot for your answer. Did as you advised.


Thank you.

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Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation, but I have still some issues.

I am using Microsoft R Open 3.3.0 and I installed the package with no issues, but when calling library(THAPI) I get the following error

> library(THAPI)
Error in .mergeMethodsTable(generic, mtable, tt, attach) : 
  trying to get slot "defined" from an object of a basic class ("list") with no slots
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘THAPI’

Do you have any idea on what's going on? (BTW a Microsoft R Open 3.1.0 does not exist and I would pretty much use the Microsoft R open for windows optimization purposes)

Thanks in advance for your help.

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The R library may works with 3.1.0 only and I don't see any update version for 3.3.0. Anyway if you want R 3.1.0, I found it on the following link

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Thanks @moragodkrit.

Is there any way to get hold of the source code so we can package it for recent R versions?

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