Yes, we can use rmdstestclient to send off-stream post messages to the cached services on an ADH.
I have a non-interactive service on an ADH and I added the service to the cacheServiceList configuration.
*adh*cacheServiceList : API_NI
Therefore, API_REPLABLINUX5_NI will be up although there is no non-interactive provider running.
Next, I used the rmdstestclient to send off-stream post messages to that service.
The command below sends the off-stream refresh messages to the service every second.
./rmdstestclient -ct rssl -S API_NI -f rics -I 1 -l stdout -v -ir 1 -h -irefresh
The command below sends the off-stream update messages to the service every second.
./rmdstestclient -ct rssl -S API_NI -f rics -I 1 -l stdout -v -ir 1 -h
rics is a text file containing a list of items.