I am trying to add a line with the number of lines in the outputs I am generating with a loop for.
import os.path import meshio import pandas as pd import numpy as np import csv cnt = 0 for file in os.listdir(): if file.endswith(".vtu"): mesh = meshio.read(file) Sn = mesh.point_data['Sn'] coordinates = mesh.points data = np.zeros((len(coordinates), 4)) data[:, :3] = coordinates data[:, 3:4] = Sn dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Sn'], dtype=float) dataframe["ID"] = dataframe.index del Sn, mesh, data, coordinates ####### Gas Saturation ##### gas_saturation = dataframe[dataframe['Sn'] > 0] del gas_saturation['X'] del gas_saturation['Y'] del gas_saturation['Z'] gas_saturation.name = 'Sn' n = gas_saturation['Sn'].count() gas_saturation.to_csv(f'D:/Bionapl_Nicolas/testKB/vtu_files/output_Sn/Sat_t{ cnt}.csv', sep=" ",index = False, header = False) cnt += 1
The variable n gives the number of lines I am interested in, but I don't know how can I add n before the first line of the outputs.
If anyone has any other suggestions to make that happen or optimize the code above, plz tell me.