We are not using an EmaConfig.xml. Is there a way to enable XmlTraceToStdout programatically in JAVA?
We are not using an EmaConfig.xml. Is there a way to enable XmlTraceToStdout programatically in JAVA?
Hello @andre.malenfant
You can find an example of how to configure the EMA configurations programmatically in the EMA Java ex421_MP_ProgrammaticCfg example. The example shows how to set the XmlTraceToStdout parameter too.
Map innerMap = EmaFactory.createMap(); Map configMap = EmaFactory.createMap(); ElementList elementList = EmaFactory.createElementList(); ElementList innerElementList = EmaFactory.createElementList(); elementList.add(EmaFactory.createElementEntry().ascii("DefaultConsumer", "Consumer_1" )); ... innerElementList.add(EmaFactory.createElementEntry().intValue( "XmlTraceToStdout", 1 ));