Hi Team,
I use this formula in screener, now I am trying to replace the "HK" here with a pre-defined items.
Economic_Sector,err = ek.get_data('SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), IN(TR.ExchangeCountryCode,"HK"), CURN=USD)',
For example:
I set country_code='HK'
and put the country_code into the formula, like this:
Economic_Sector,err = ek.get_data('SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), IN(TR.ExchangeCountryCode, country_code ), CURN=USD)',
Do you have idea why it doesnt work and how should I correct this.
Here is the error message:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-24-b53aff9d8165> in <module> 9 Economic_Sector,err = ek.get_data('SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), IN(TR.ExchangeCountryCode,"country_code"), CURN=USD)', 10 'TR.TRBCEconomicSector', ---> 11 {'Sdate':start_date,'Scale':scale,'Curn':curn}) 12 13 Economic_Sector ~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\refinitiv\dataplatform\legacy\data_grid.py in get_data(instruments, fields, parameters, field_name, raw_output, debug, raw_response) 206 return result 207 --> 208 return get_data_frame(result, field_name) 209 210 ~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\refinitiv\dataplatform\legacy\data_grid.py in get_data_frame(data_dict, field_name) 255 headers = [header.get('field', header.get('displayName')) for header in data_dict['headers'][0]] 256 else: --> 257 headers = [header['displayName'] for header in data_dict['headers'][0]] 258 data = numpy.array([[get_data_value(value) for value in row] for row in data_dict['data']]) 259 if len(data): KeyError: 'headers'