I have changed an application that used the older 32bit RFA 6.5 C++ on RedHat Linux to use the current version 7.7. This resulted in a problem with libRFA_Adapter.so trying to open libTibMsg.so from an absolute path outside the RFA installation. The library file does not have an rpath set but it contains the full path as a string:
/opt/rfa/rfa7.7.0.L1.linux.rrg/Libs/RHEL6_32_GCC444 ] strings libRFA_Adapter.so | grep jenkins
Can I prevent the RFA_Adapter from trying to open the TibMsg library from that path by configuration or is this behaviour hard coded? In my view, the latter case would mean that Refinitiv should provide a new version without this behaviour. Would you be able to do so?My current workaround is to create the full path and link the library from the RFA installation directory. I would very much like to avoid this in a later production installation.
Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions.
Kind regards,
Winfried Schleipen