Hi there,
I'm trying to get a full picture of the role of RDMFieldDictionary and enumtype.def. My understanding is that OOM messages only transfer with the basic which is a set of key/value fields. Therefore that's where the dictionary come in when metadata is required about the key (fid) .
Based on that I don't understand how the examples get there metadata. Looking at runconsumer100 I can't see it loading in any dictionary Yet it seems to output FieldEntry which include the metadata. Do they get automatically loaded some how by the EmaFactory?
> Task :Ema:Examples:runconsumer100 RefreshMsg streamId="5" domain="MarketPrice Domain" solicited RefreshComplete state="Open / Ok / None / 'Refresh Completed'" itemGroup="00 00" name="IBM.N" serviceId="1" serviceName="DIRECT_FEED" Payload dataType="FieldList" FieldList FieldEntry fid="22" name="BID" dataType="Real" value="39.9" FieldEntry fid="25" name="ASK" dataType="Real" value="39.94" FieldEntry fid="30" name="BIDSIZE" dataType="Real" value="9.0" FieldEntry fid="31" name="ASKSIZE" dataType="Real" value="19.0" FieldListEnd PayloadEnd RefreshMsgEnd
Thank you,