Hi we have a spreadsheet setup using Eikon and I've been tasked with moving this over to the Websocket API. Can I check if the fields are equivalent? eg: BID.Close , .Close, NDA_RAW.Nda_Mid, etc
They don't seem to be available in ws.
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Hi we have a spreadsheet setup using Eikon and I've been tasked with moving this over to the Websocket API. Can I check if the fields are equivalent? eg: BID.Close , .Close, NDA_RAW.Nda_Mid, etc
They don't seem to be available in ws.
Websocket API is used for streaming real-time data from exchanges/providers.
Eikon can access many other data sources as part of its get_data calls etc.
So, whilst I can see things like BID, ASK, Close etc in a Websocket response, I don't ever recall seeing NDA RAW or NDA MId files.
Can you provide a few example RICs that you currently receive NDA?
If you wish to move a spreadsheet away from using Eikon, you may need to employ a combination of Websocket API and the RDP APIs. The RDP APIs can access much of the same non-realtime content that Eikon can.
Refinitiv Data Platform APIs | Refinitiv Developers
Please contact your Refinitiv Account team to discuss the RDP APIs including trial access.
To add to the answer by @umer.nalla, fields like BID.Close , .Close, NDA_RAW.Nda_Mid in Eikon pertain to timeseries of historical data. The Websockets API does not provide access to timeseries. If you need to retrieve timeseries of historical data, you need to consider another solution.