I am looking for ownership data on free float shares/percentage basis on a specific day. Unfortunately I only get the Percentages of Shares Out held, but they not consider all free float shares. I tried many different ways, e.g.:
=TR("AMZN.O";TR.SharesFreeFloat;"InvestorCountryPermId=100319 Sdate=2020-12-31)
=TR("AMZN.O";TR.FreeFloatPct;"InvestorCountryPermId=100319 Sdate=2020-12-31)
=TR("AMZN.O";TR.SharesOutstanding;"InvestorCountryPermId=100319 Sdate=2020-12-31)
but I only get the total amount without country specification.
Alternatively I found in Time Series "Number of shares owned by Foreign Investors" and "Number of Shares owned by Domestic Nationals" and tried:
=TR("AMZN.O";TR.Numbersofsharesownedbyforeigninvestors;" Sdate=2020-12-31)
but for any company I tried my result is "NULL"
I would like to ask/know if there is any opportunity to check the free float shares of an company in S&P500 divided by country (U.S. are most important)
Thank you very much in advance