Hello, I have an issue with getting results from Refinitiv API.
I need one call that uses {caseSystemId} and will respond Data with details of profiles (firstName, gender, dateOfBirth, country, etc).
As I noticed on 'https://worldcheck.refinitiv.com/' we had all needed results in one API call 'https://rms-world-check-one-pilot.thomsonreuters.com/fsp/case/v2/case/{caseSystemId}/watchlist'
In documentation and Postman collection this call does not exist? How I can use this API call?
{ {protocol}}{ {gateway-host}}{ {gateway-url}}cases/{ {case-system-id}}/results - returns not enough data
If we try to load detailed profile data for each profile from API '{caseSystemId}/results' Refinitiv responses with the following error 'Error: Too Many Requests'