Raising this on my FED clients's behalf who are not allowed to post on public forums. SInce aa laptop change they can't run their old queries:
"Here’s the query my developer was using. Looks like a connection issue. He had been able to run an Eikon API query in a different laptop in the past.
import eikon as ek
df, err = ek.get_data(
instruments = ['17985','95738','95806','11118','12228','12265','12406'],
fields = [ 'TR.CommonName', 'TR.F.TotAssets(Period=FY0,Frq=FY,SDate=2001-01-01,EDate=2008-01-01)', 'TR.F.TotCurrAssets(Period=FY0,Frq=FY,SDate=2001-01-01,EDate=2008-01-01)', 'TR.F.TotLiab(Period=FY0,Frq=FY,SDate=2001-01-01,EDate=2008-01-01)', 'TR.F.TotCurrLiab(Period=FY0,Frq=FY,SDate=2001-01-01,EDate=2008-01-01)'
Error message:
I am receiving an error from the Python Eikon API. I get an error message with an HTTP Response Error Code of 500: "read ECONNRESET","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error".
Log file attached. Any insight you provide would be useful to resolve this problem; we currently cannot run any successful queries.
TAPIProxy.20201209.184143000.p16428.txthey are looking for the balance sheet information filed in the SEC form X-17A-5 for a list of broker dealer firms over a period of 20 years. they can get data for newer years but having a hard time locating data for 2001-2007 in a database (as opposed to PDFs which are available in Eikon and the SEC website). At this point, since the PDFs are not necessarily searchable, they're trying to narrow down the list of PDFs to comb through by looking for the top 100 broker dealers by total assets per year. I got some total assets data via Eikon excel but was wondering if the API had more data (or even the X-17A-5 data).