I would like what value/method to create a blank value on BID/ASK fields on ETA? Thanks.
I would like what value/method to create a blank value on BID/ASK fields on ETA? Thanks.
You did not mention if you are using ETA Java or ETA C - but I can see you asked Java question previously...
I found an example of encoding a blank field in one of our example source code files Java\Eta\Applications\Examples\src\main\java\com\refinitiv\eta\examples\codec\FieldListCodec.java
/* Field Entry: encode entry as a blank Real primitive type */ /* populate & encode field entry with fieldId & dataType information for this field */ /* need to ensure that FieldEntry is appropriatley cleared */ /* clearing will ensure that encodedData is properly emptied */ fieldEntry.clear(); fieldEntry.fieldId(22); /* BID field */ fieldEntry.dataType(DataTypes.REAL); /* void* parameter is passed in as null & encodedData is empty due to clearing */ if ((retVal = fieldEntry.encodeBlank(encIter)) < CodecReturnCodes.SUCCESS) { System.out.printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with EncodeFieldEntry. Error Text: %s\n",CodecReturnCodes.toString(retVal), retVal, CodecReturnCodes.info(retVal)); return retVal; } System.out.printf("\t\tFID %d Encoded Real as blank.\n", fieldEntry.fieldId());
You will also find a similar snippet using encodeBlank() in section Encoding Example of the ETAJ_DevGuide.pdf which is supplied with the Elektron SDK Java file.
If you are using ETA C, then a similar snippet can be found in the TransportAPI_C_DevGuide.pdf section Encoding Example
If you don't have the Dev Guides to hand - you can find them online on our Developer Portal under the Documentation section for the required API
ETAJ_DevGuide.book (refinitiv.com)