How can I use Eikon API to extract maximum price of stock over a specfic date range? I am using python to extract the maximum price.
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How can I use Eikon API to extract maximum price of stock over a specfic date range? I am using python to extract the maximum price.
You can do it directly on a dataframe
df,err = ek.get_data('VOD.L',['TR.HIGHPRICE',''],{"Sdate":'2020-01-01', "Edate":'2020-09-10'}) df[df['High Price']==df['High Price'].max()]
Hi @f.hashim
For the today high, you can use get_data() and use "HIGH_1" field.
For historical data, you can use get_timeseries() and use "HIGH" field.
I need to get maximum value from the time series is there a field that can give a maximum of `HIGH` field over a specific date range?