This is my forth problem after Eikon was upgraded to 4.0.52.
The program creates all necessary object and connects to EIkon. After it receives the feedback with EikonDesktopDataAPILib::Connected, it starts to create RSearch objects:
l_hr = m_EikonDesktopDataAPI->CreateRSearchMgr((IUnknown **)&m_RSearchMgr); if (l_hr == S_OK) { // Initialize the RSearch manager and retrieve a session cookie CComVariant l_EmptyVar; l_EmptyVar.vt = VT_ERROR; l_EmptyVar.scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; l_hr = m_RSearchMgr->Initialize(RSearchLib::RS_CT_EIKON, l_EmptyVar, &m_RSearchMgrCookie); if (l_hr != S_OK) { string error("[DCProviderEikon] Couldn't initialize RSearchMgr"); logger->Log(error, DCLogger::DC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); DataCollectorHelper::CoutLog(error, DC_RED); // Release the RSearch manager ReleaseRSearchMgr(); } }
It fails on Initialize step.
I'm 90% sure that it happens after the following steps/events:
1. EIkon started on the machine1
2. In several hours someone logs to Eikon in with the same user/pwd on machine2
3. There is a notification about the event #2 on Windows Desktop - as expected
4. Our program starts
5. Eikon asks (or does not ask , if the user was logged out on machine2) to sign in. User Signs In
6. Program receives 'Connected' event and start RSearchMgr initialization. And it fails.
Is this known issue ? If not, what can cause this behavior? It started this week, after Eikon upgraded itself.
P.S. The problem usually can be solved by shutting down Eikon completely and then start again.