Hello, I am trying to pull historical starmine data using the python Eikon Data API, example code below. Currently, this call just returns the most recent values for the respective fields. Is there any modification I can make to have it return historical data?
If not available in the python sdk, is there any other API call that I can make to get this historical time series?
import eikon as ek ek.set_app_key(...) df, err = ek.get_data( ['GOOG.O', 'MSFT.O', 'FB.O', 'AMZN.O', 'TWTR.K', 'AAPL.O'], ['TR.IVIntrinsicValue','TR.IVPriceToIntrinsicValue','TR.RelValEvSalesComponent','TR.PriceMoRegionRank'], {'SDate': 0, 'EDate': -10, 'FRQ': 'D', 'Curn': 'USD'} )