Is this the call I should make to get multiple RICs at once? If so, can someone provide me with the proper JSON endpoint, headers and sample request body?
Thank you.
Is this the call I should make to get multiple RICs at once? If so, can someone provide me with the proper JSON endpoint, headers and sample request body?
Thank you.
Hi @ovx-wxu, The call accepts three input parameters - RIC, Fields and Validation Mode. See this example JSON message below:
{ "GetSimpleData_Request_2": { "RICs": { "RIC": [ "IBM.N", "MSFT.O" ] }, "FIDs": { "FID": [ "DSPLY_NAME", "TRDPRC_1" ] }, "validationMode": "Strict" } }
I will raise the missing documentation problem with the product team.
@chavalit.jintamalit Thank you for the response, I am able to find it on the portal, but it is giving me the following error. Also, I can't find the documentation for this API call in the documentation, both the PDF version and the web version. Specifically I'm looking for a sample JSON request, if you can provide me with the endpoint, headers, and body you used, it would be great. Thank you!
You can see the endpoint and JSON message in the Develop Tab in the portal (select Inspect).
JSON: { "GetSimpleData_Request_2": { "RICs": { "RIC": [ "IBM.N" ] } } }
@Gurpreet. Thank you for the response, what are the input parameters for this call? Can you give me a link to the documentation for this call? The link on the portal doesn't seem to be working. This is what happens when I clicked "Developer's Guide" on that page.