As in the documentation suggests 10K datapoints per requests but what will happen if the requests will provide more than 10k cells does it throws as error or will it simply give us a None value?
main_data,error = ek.get_data(RICS_lists,Required_fields,{'SDate':str(0), 'EDate':str(-len(date_index)+1), 'Frq':str(Frequency),'Period':str(Period),'ConsolBasis':str(ConsolBasis)})
From this line of code, I am trying to fetch data for 340 RICs from 2009 till present on a monthly frequency FOR fields (TR.Revenue, TR.Revenue.calcdate)
So the Total Number of Datapoints will be (137*340) or 2*(137*340)?
Since the total number of Cells is above 10K points this line of code doesn't give me an error.
Will this request truncate/remove the data points just to be in the limit?