I have downloaded the python example pack. The examples to retrieve market data work fine.
For newsAlert, I get an error : sqsQueue.py , import boto3 , no module named boto3.
Can you give some advice on how to run the newsAlerts example?
I have downloaded the python example pack. The examples to retrieve market data work fine.
For newsAlert, I get an error : sqsQueue.py , import boto3 , no module named boto3.
Can you give some advice on how to run the newsAlerts example?
Hello @wim.ooms1
newAlerts example use sqsQueue module:
import requests import json import rdpToken import sqsQueue import atexit ...
sqsQueue module requires boto3 module:
import boto3 import json import base64 from Crypto.Cipher import AES import html ...
"no module named boto3" indicates that boto3 module is not found e.g. the module is not installed on your machine. Hence, please make sure that you have installed boto3 module. The example command line to install boto3 module is shown below:
pip install boto3
Hello @wim.ooms1
Did you install the require libraries for the news alert example yet? Please see more detail in RDP News and Research Alert tutorial page.